A new dawn for Malaysia

The shouts of Makkal Sakti reveberated across Malaysia on 8 March 2008 as the results of the 12th General Election trickled in.
The so-called 'invincible' 2/3 majority since 1969 have been broken!!!! YESSSSSS!!!! It was a major breakthrough for the Opposition to really show to the people that the democracy is this country is still alive. On top of that, the unprecedented loss of not one, not two, not even three but FIVE states indicated that BN is not unbeatable after all. States like Penang, Selangor, Kedah and Perak together with Kelantan fell to the Opposition parties of DAP, PKR and PAS. How sweet!!!
Well, it was a classic David vs Goliath tale..well David may not have won but he managed to give Goliath a mega fight and fright of epic proportions. There is a chink in Goliath's armour after al
For once, the ruling government finally realised that the rakyat is the BOSS, not them. For the past few decades, the BN political party has strutting around with their devil may care attitude towards the rakyat, displaying their sheer arrogance and intolerance towards any form of dissent, no matter how legitimate it was. It was the rakyat who put them up there and it will be the rakyat who can bring them down. The BN politicians can't go around acting as if they owned this country.
Say no racial politics!! The new political landscape in Malaysia points towards a culture of multiracialism in which Malaysians, cutting across race and religions should work together to build this beloved country of ours. We do not political parties to only fight for the rights and interest of a particular race at the expense of another. Together as Malaysians we should stand tall and fight for a better and competitive Malaysia in facing the challenge of globalisation in the 21st century. We have the Barisan Rakyat.
I am simply ecstatic!! I am thrilled to bits!! We should look forward not backwards. Weed out the corruption, incompetence,negligence, abuses of power practiced by the previous regime. It is too long to list. ..With a new lineup in Selangor, Perak, Penang, Kedah, Kelantan state government, let this be a start for better things to come.
Well..for some of the ministers, deputies, MPs and other BN people, they fell like tenpins.
The rakyat made the impossible, possible!!!!!
Labels: 2/3 majority, election, Opposition, racial poltics