Wednesday, August 29, 2007

2 days before Merdeka

As we are gearing up to celebrate our 50th National Day, there is yet another round of divisive talk from the 'informed' Information Minister. It has become sort of a daily affair.

He was commenting on the statements made by Dr Lim Keng Yaik on the Sun newspaper being the only newspaper that champions the idea of Bangsa Malaysia whereas other dailies are being communal in their writings and favour certain races.

Now what is wrong with that, Mr Information Minister? Aren't we supposed to moving towards that goal? Are you saying that the newspapers should only be a mouthpiece of a particular group.

One day before the Merdeka eve, instead of promoting integration ,we are still hearing about all this talk about divisiveness and communal politics, and the best part is :

it is the someone form the top who is spewing all these rubbish.

How sad.

2 days to go before Merdeka


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